Start With a Bang!

Yes! Why not start you day with a bang? A Big Bang!

The way you start your day sets the tone for the day!
What’s your style?

Stay in bed until the last possible minute and then rush like mad!
Get up and tackle your e-mails or your to-do list as soon as you hit the ground?
Get up and start worrying and depressing right away?

I know this year has been hard on all of us but that is one more reason to put YOU up front and personal as soon as you get out of bed.
Putting YOU first could look like this: ( you might have to get up 1/2 hour early)

  • As soon as you open your eyes take 3 deep breaths and exhale to 8
  • Then wish yourself a fabulous day: ” Have a fabulous day Mary!”
  • Take 10 minutes or more to move to your favorite music or do a series of exercises, could be 10 sun salutations or exercises like these CAR Controlled Articular Rotation. you can find these here
  • Then sit quietly and ask yourself: “How am I feeling right now?” I like to write these emotions down. You might be feeling anxiety or anger or worry. Then once you have identified these emotions you can tap on them until they lessen their grip. 
  • Then turn that emotion into a sentence that starts with I love: ex: “I love how everything works out really well today, I love how I manage that issue, I love how I have plenty of time to do what I want to do”.
  • Then take a few deep breaths and you are good to go!

You are the BIG Bang you’ve been waiting for go for it!

Have a healthy and happy week!


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