If Only…

I had a better house
I had a different job
I had a nicer boyfriend
I had more money
I had a different body

I would be happier

I am sure that you probably have said that in your life at one point, I know I have.

The next boyfriend, job, house won’t be any different unless you decide to fully live with what you have now.

What does it mean to live fully now?
Are you showing up as needy and demanding? 
Where is it that you are not showing up at 100%?

Are you being the most loving, the most patient, the most tolerant, kind, hard working that you can be?
or do you spend time focusing and judging what is missing, in criticizing, complaining, blaming, controlling?

When you start showing up at your best, you feel good! You feel energised!

Judging and whining take a lot of energy out of you! It makes you feel exhausted!!!

Put your energy in creating more love all around you. Appreciate ,encourage, respect, listen, focus on the good and learn to communicate in a loving manner.

Your bodymind will thank you and so will people in your life!

Who is this new person?

Have an excellent week!


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