The Art of People Pleasing

A client had been sick for many years. We worked together for a few sessions and then she decided to tackle that chronic condition she was living with.
I asked the usual questions:

How long have you had this?
What do you believe about this ?
What was happening in your life at the time?

She remembered that before the condition she had been raised in a church where” Killing yourself for the church” was normal( her words).. She witnessed her parents literally do that. She learned that in order to be a good person you were OBLIGATED to constantly do for others. She derived her sense of worth from always saying ‘”yes”. She acknowledged that it was a multi generational issue. Her whole family had been expert in the art of people pleasing.

She had learned it from the best!

We cleared out these beliefs and all the negative emotions around them: guilt, blame, sadness, overwhelmed replacing them with new beliefs such as:

  • I give myself permission to stop and breathe/ rest as often as I need
  • I deserve to be healthy and happy
  • I choose activities that bring me joy
  • My main obligation is to myself first, others second
  • I choose healing positive thoughts always
  • I am getting better and better every day

When you go on a plane and you need oxygen you put YOUR mask on first. Taking care of yourself, spending time alone to meditate, pray, tap, exercise, journal or just plain rest is primordial for your overall health. It is well proven that your mental state affects your health. Your mental state depends on your showing yourself the love you need to enjoy your life and it means also saying “no”.

We are 100% responsible for our life!

We must retrain ourselves to say “YES” to yourself.

Say YES to :
Inner peace

Have a healthy and happy week!


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