Do You Abandon Yourself?

Do You Abandon Yourself?

You might think that you have not had any big traumas in your life just the regular stuff growing up.

Ask yourself: ” Do I do anything in excess?”

  • Eat too much or not enough
  • Drink too much alcohol or drugs
  • Shop to excess
  • Exercise too much
  • Clean to excess

As a child you might have been deprived of one or more of the following 3 A s

  1. Affection
  2. Attention
  3. Appreciation 

You continue to look for something or someone to give you what you did not get.
And you go to the wrong place.

Next time you feel lonely, unappreciated, abandoned, rejected or guilty do not look for the solution in the cake or the ice cream, the next outfit or the 3 hour run. It is not there!


  • Decide to first acknowledge the emotion “Ah! guilt!”
  • Then take a few minutes to tap it down
  • Ask yourself:” Instead of eating the bag of cookies what can I do to show myself some affection, attention and appreciation?”
  • Listen carefully: you might decide to go for a walk, take a bath, read a book, phone a friend, write yourself a letter of appreciation, ask for help.

Remember :

You have YOU for a lifetime!
Take time to give yourself every day a moment of precious self love!

Have a healthy and Happy week!


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