Neediness is not Sexy

Neediness is not sexy!

I need you to be a certain way in order for me to be happy
I need you to change to accommodate me
I need you to be different because it bothers me

What drives you nuts is where your limits to loving are!

In any relationship when we criticize and nag and blame the other we are projecting unto the others where we are lacking
As a child we might have been rejected, abused, deprived of attention or affection. When unloving behavior shows up in our relationships we go back to being a child feeling the same emotions and often behaving in a child like fashion with whining or angering or blaming.

What is sexy?

Owning yourself
Owning your past
Owning your emotions
No one can make you feel anything without your consent!

“I hate that in you” really means; I have that same wound in me and when I see it in you I hate it therefore I will put you down in order to feel better…But that doesn’t work. You feel even worse!

When less than stellar behavior shows up from your partner and it will happen do I go back to being a child or do I acknowledge the emotions, tap and let them go and choose a more mature behavior like calm communication and/or setting boundaries? He is right even if he is wrong. Means he deserves your respect not your anger.

“We are not held back by the love we did not receive but by the love we do not give in the present”
Marianne Williamson “A Return to Love”

Have a loving week my friends


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