Meeting the Yogi of Wall Street

Last Wednesday night at the Gala de la Palme Bleue ( sponsored by the BC French Chamber of Commerce) I had the honor of meeting Erik Giasson aptly name the Yogi of Wall Street. He gave a presentation entitled “Choose to Succeed”! Erik Giasson, Coach | Le Yogi De Wall Street |
A very interesting character: father of 8, yogi master, was a Wall Street financier, lost his money, his health, went through a divorce and eventually re-invented himself as a business coach, teacher and speaker extraordinaire and of course savvy businessman.

Here are some of the highlights of his teachings:

  • In order to succeed you need a spiritual practice: meditation, prayer, yoga
  • You need to become conscious of when you are in ego mode*
  • You need to accept yourself and others, all your fears, all the pressures, the challenges and the changes
  • Celebrate your successes
  • When you love unconditionally you are FREE
  • You are who you are not what you do
  • Do not define yourself by your errors
  • Know yourself, love yourself, trust yourself
  • Live in the truth that we are all connected
  • Choose action supported by compassion and kindness
  • You are in business to answer society’s needs

Eric learned that to be happy in business  you need to find the balance between your head and your heart!

Have an excellent week!
Pick one of these ideas and apply it to your life!!! They are all good!!!


*When are we in ego mode?

 Anytime we judge, criticize, attack, compare ourself with others we put ourselves and others down we are in ego mode. It is not a good place to be!!!
When triggered and tempted to do any of the above, breathe deeply recognize that this attacking hyena, YOU, is not who you are. TAP let go of the emotions this thinking brings up and reframe the situation!!!
Here is a wonderful definition of who you are from Marianne Williamson:
” You are a holy child of God as good as anyone else, innocent, sharing in the limitless power of God.”

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