How does a Negative Emotion Turn into Stress?

Negative emotion is STRESS when we let it control us

Any negative emotion such as anger, disappointment, hostility, resentment, frustration, sadness comes at a price when entertained longer than we need to.

The other day a friend and I were jogging and she was explaining to me how disappointed she was with someone’s reaction to comments she had made. That person had actually ignored her comments.

She carried that around for a while and of course felt worse and stated building a story around it and made it mean something negative about herself and the other person and round and round it went.

It is human to feel all kinds of emotions, positive and negative.
What we don’t want is have the negative ones take over our health at the physical and emotional level.

Next time you feel angry or sad do this to take control right away:

  • Acknowledge it: ” I feel the sadness inside of me” better then to say ” I am sad”
  • Where is it? in my heart

Do a few rounds of tapping  until it passes and say: “That sadness I lovingly let it go”
Choose a positive emotion that you would like to feel such as gratitude, hope, confidence, compassion, joy, love and say:

  • “I choose to be grateful for all the good in my life
  • “I know this person cares about me”
  • ” I am confident that we can work this out”

As soon as you switch to a positive emotion you stop the STRESS response in your body. You body switches back to parasympathetic mode, you start secrete healing hormones and all is well in your world!

Love yourself enough to not let yourself be caught in stressful and negative emotions and situations!

Life is about happiness!   
Life is about love!

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