I Love Money

What are some of your beliefs about money?

Money is the source of all evil?
Money doesn’t grow on tree?
You have holes in your pockets
I never have enough money
Money is hard to come by
I don’t deserve a lot of money
I’m not good with money

I am sure you could add more to this list. Some of these sentences I heard in my house growing up others I have used over the years.

I do not subscribe to any of these anymore

They are not true!

Money is the source of all good!
People who give it away feel good
People who receive it feel good 
Money blesses you when you give it and  when you receive it

You need to respect money by all means make a budget and get educated about money.

The first thing you need to do is let go of these limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering beliefs such as:

I am very good with money
I love having money for myself and to share with others
Money is a reward for the value I give others
I accept the abundance that life has to offer
I deserve to be healthy, happy and wealthy

Start making a list
Tap away all the emotions that come up and let them go
Reframe and rewrite your beliefs.

Have a rich week my friends rich in many blessings including money!


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