LSD Anyone?

I bet I got your attention?
What am I  talking about?
Am I  into drugs? At my age? Seriously?

LSD stands for Long Slow Distance. It is a running term. When you run, it is an excellent idea to mix short runs at a faster pace and long runs at a slower pace.
I did LSD on Monday. I ran for 1 hour and 26 minutes, not very far a little over 10kms.
I was enjoying myself running slow, smelling the fall air,  the dried leaves and listening to the forest sounds.
When I felt a bit tired I would simply walk . Easy! I felt joyful and relaxed! 

Long distances are a bit like life. Got to keep going even if it seems long at times, like healing from a broken bone or finishing a degree, or staying the course in a marriage, a profession or a business.
There are times when the going is long and it feels like it will never end!

 What do you need to keep up and go the distance?

  • Determination
  • Emotional control
  • Everyday training

You have to want to, you have to stay mindful and out of your emotions, and train on the short courses such as finishing simple daily tasks.

And rest when you need to replenish yourself!

For a lot of us the biggest hindrance is listening to our inner critic telling us that you are too old or not smart enough or it’s just too hard! It is also believing those emotions such as  discouragement, hopelessness or fear.
Take time everyday to ask yourself a simple question:

“What is my fear of the day?”

Answer simply: I am afraid that  ____________”
Then use Faster EFT/Eutaptics style tapping:

to help you get out of your funk or trance as we call it.

Next step is to flip your fear statement  to a curiosity statement:
 I am curious about ___________. You can tap that in also!
In your mind go to a feel good memory and enjoy it!( beach, forest, mountain)

Get on with your day calmly and joyfully! Just like doing LSD!:)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Be healthy! Be happy and TAP everyday!!!

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