Reboot! Recharge!Relax!

Last week in January
Time to come up for air!
All your projects are underway
Some have fallen out of the way
You are ready for sunshine
None on the way
Shall we whine or wine?

Take time everyday to come home to yourself
Take time everyday to accept the you that showed up
May be not so brilliant or kind
May be generous and patient
That you is who you have to love today
Let her come home to you
In all safety 

So often as children there were no safe place
One side was the coldness and rejection
One side the never ending criticism
You grew up thinking that was normal
You kept finding all kinds of people and events 
That confirmed that it is all you deserved

You are no longer that child
You are the comforter and the kindness 
Come home to you. It is safe.
Even if at time it just does not feel normal

Reboot in your own heart
Recharge in your own bright energy
Relax in your loving arms

I choose the light of forgiveness and love !
I recharge outside in nature
I relax! I am enough, I do enough and I have enough!

Have a fun week!
Be healthy and happy!
With much love


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