Trauma? Can You Be Free of It?

Someone told me that her mother kept telling her 4 kids that she never wanted children.
Yes that is a trauma

Someone was always criticized continually “for their own good”.
Yes that is a trauma

Someone was laughed at continually and given a derogatory nickname 
Yes that is a trauma

Someone witnessed their mother being insulted
Yes that is a trauma

There are many different kinds of trauma.
They can take to form of abuse either physical, emotional or sexual
They can take the form of neglect or discrimination.

Some people  will feel these abuses deeply and will search their whole life for the reasons they are so unhappy.
There is a way out!
In Faster EFT/eutaptics  we have many different techniques to deal with trauma and its consequences. We can even use a “No Content” technique where you don’t have to even tell the story. 
 If you have lived with memories of abuse and trauma your whole life don’t you think it is time to let them go and heal yourself? You deserve to be happy, you deserve to have an excellent life and be your best self!

In this month of February give yourself the gift of love and clear your past so it has no more power over you!

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